The New Life was originally a print journal published by Reverend Doctor Frank Uhlir. Upon his death in 1985, Dr. Uhlir's widow passed along the editing of the journal to Douglas Gander, a devoted student of Dr. Uhlir's with a heart for making Dr. Uhlir's legacy of insight and wisdom available to a wider audience. The most recent issues of the Journal, Numbers 251 to 253, contain a compilation of Articles by Dr Uhlir and other related articles gleaned from a variety of sources over the years. These issues can be found on the site, along with a growing collection of the reproduced works of Dr. Uhlir and other pertinent articles.
Frank Uhlir
The Reverend Dr. Frank Uhlir, born in Moravia in 1900. Growing up as an agnostic in a devout Roman Catholic family, Dr. Uhlir eventually became a prominent Czechoslovakian politician. In 1936 he was imprisoned by the Nazis. After escaping with the help of the underground, he went to Poland where he had a life changing experience of God. He returned to Czechoslovakian political arena, but was again imprisoned in 1948 this time by the Communists. Once again the underground movement helped him to escape.
In the early 1950s Dr. Frank Uhlir immigrated to Canada where he started started out washing dishes at the Ritz-Carleton Hotel in Montreal. In 1956. he was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and eventually he became a professor at Kings University in Halifax. In 1967 Dr. Uhlir retired and with his wife Joan founded Temple Pastures, a retreat centre near Gatineau, Quebec, Cananda. |
Dr. Uhlir's story, including the founding of Temple Pastures, is told in his book The Call of the Cross. He was a devoted and gifted man who was called to teach others about the way of Christ. He died in 1980 leaving his wife Joan to carry on the ministry of the Mission.
Since 1986, Temple Pastures has operated under the auspices of the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Ottawa. Its mission is:
To be a centre based in the Gospel of Christ that welcomes all persons who desire to further the reign of God.
For further information see Article from the Ottawa Citizen, June 15, 1985 and Article: Introducing Frank Uhlir
Since 1986, Temple Pastures has operated under the auspices of the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Ottawa. Its mission is:
To be a centre based in the Gospel of Christ that welcomes all persons who desire to further the reign of God.
For further information see Article from the Ottawa Citizen, June 15, 1985 and Article: Introducing Frank Uhlir
Douglas Gander
Douglas A Gander was a student of Dr Uhlir's, born in Ottawa, Canada in 1955. Growing up in a United Church family, he left home after high school and traveled extensively as a young man. At a spiritual low point, he encountered the Lord Jesus through a Gideon's Bible in a hotel room. Upon his return to Canada he became a student of Dr. Uhlir's, and found in him a beloved mentor. He currently lives in Westport, Ontario, with his wife Susan, where they operate The Wordsmith, a small printing, publishing and video rental shop.